We use Mintlify to host and build the Prefect documentation.

The main branch of the prefecthq/prefect GitHub repository is used to build the Prefect docs at docs.prefect.io.

The 2.x docs are hosted at docs-2.prefect.io and built from the 2.x branch of the repository.

Fork the repository

All contributions to Prefect need to start on a fork of the repository. Once you have successfully forked the Prefect repo, clone a local version to your machine:

git clone https://github.com/GITHUB-USERNAME/prefect.git
cd prefect

Create a branch with an informative name:

git checkout -b fix-for-issue-NUM

After committing your changes to this branch, you can then open a pull request from your fork that we will review with you.

Set up your local environment

Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js installed. We recommend using nvm to manage Node.js versions.

  1. Clone the Prefect repository.
  2. Run cd docs to navigate to the docs directory.
  3. Run nvm use node to use the correct Node.js version.
  4. Run npm i -g mintlify to install Mintlify.
  5. Run mintlify dev to start the development server.

Your docs should now be available at http://localhost:3000.

See the Mintlify documentation for more information on how to install Mintlify, build previews, and use Mintlify’s features while writing docs.

All documentation is written in .mdx files, which are Markdown files that can contain JavaScript and React components.


Keep in mind the following when writing documentation.

External references

Prefect resources can be managed in several ways, including through the CLI, UI, Terraform, Helm, and API.

When documenting a resource, consider including external references that describe how to manage the resource in other ways. Snippets are available to provide these references in a consistent format.

For example, the Deployment documentation includes a snippet for the Terraform provider:

import { TF } from "/snippets/resource-management/terraform.mdx"
import { deployments } from "/snippets/resource-management/vars.mdx"

<TF name="deployments" href={deployments.tf} />

For more information on how to use snippets, see the Mintlify documentation.